Sunday, June 3, 2007

A first portrait session

We finally have enough layout put together to have a little bit of fun running and photographing out trains. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a little layout tour.

As a complete bridge, this makes a very impressive addition to our layout. The canyon is about 4.5-5" deep at this end. That makes for about a sixty scale foot drop!

These are out favorite locomotives. Amanda loves the F-7 locomotives (red and silver), and I really like the SD40-2 (the green and the orange ones). In this unlikely photo, a BNSF locomotive passes under the bridge on its way to some town beyond the scope of our layout.

From this view, the sway bracing and the guard rails are visible in the bridge. I was amazed when I built the bridge at how much difference those x's above the tracks help to stabilize the bridge. They lock it from swaying or twisting.

A BNSF train skirts the lower edge of our canyon. I thought about the railroad tracks in the Columbia Gorge when I built this section.

Now some trains make their way to the other end of the canyon.

A Santa Fe F-7 makes a pass through the bridge.

We turned things around a bit. I am really pleased with how our "dummy track" turned out. Since the canyon is the most finished part of our layout, it looks better than any other track section right now. Ironic!

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